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Filip Zachrisson Hansen
9 maj 20203 min läsning
Higher & Higher
Hello again, dear reader! We're getting closer to the finish line now. Just one more week until the Song of the Bardbarians has reached...
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Filip Zachrisson Hansen
2 maj 20202 min läsning
"Hard Work"
Things are slowly, but surely coming to an end. Seven weeks have passed and only two remain. I might sound like a broken record, but I'm...
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Filip Zachrisson Hansen
27 apr. 20204 min läsning
I'm Feeling Good
Alright, I was too naive. Unity kept causing my computer to crash, so I had to do what I really wasn't eager to do. I installed the...
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Filip Zachrisson Hansen
19 apr. 20203 min läsning
"Through the Fire and Flames"
Welcome back! This week has been a little shorter than the previous ones because of a Swedish holiday, This week has been fruitful. This...
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Filip Zachrisson Hansen
12 apr. 20204 min läsning
"We gonna play until you feel happy"
Hi there! This week has been... let's say interesting. We are now officially working from home because of the corona virus, which is a...
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Filip Zachrisson Hansen
6 apr. 20203 min läsning
Caught in a trap
We have traps! Well, we are calling them hazards, but I couldn't find a proper recognizable song that has the word "hazard" in it and...
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Filip Zachrisson Hansen
1 apr. 20202 min läsning
Music Sounds Better With You
Hi again, dear reader! I'm back with another mid-week update. I was supposed to write last Friday as well to sort of tie the knot on the...
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Filip Zachrisson Hansen
25 mars 20202 min läsning
Hard Knock Life
Hi again! This is my first of future mid-week updates about Song of the Bardbarians. And perhaps some more stuff, we'll see. Overall,...
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Filip Zachrisson Hansen
19 mars 20203 min läsning
Project 2: Electric Boolagoo
I lied, the game is called "Song of the Bardbarians". Also, welcome back! I have taken a break from blogging during the break between the...
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Filip Zachrisson Hansen
16 dec. 20191 min läsning
Safety Dance
The first day of the last week is upon us, dear reader. Though I feel really good about it; the atmosphere is (mostly) relaxed and I have...
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Filip Zachrisson Hansen
16 dec. 20191 min läsning
Any Way You Want It
I do enjoy Fridays. There is the weekly tournament we have in our group (I WON THIS TIME), a review of our progress and, of course, fika....
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Filip Zachrisson Hansen
11 dec. 20191 min läsning
Time After Time
Yee haw! My levels have finally been shared with the rest of my group and the entire day has mostly consisted of tweaking values to make...
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Filip Zachrisson Hansen
11 dec. 20191 min läsning
Every Breath You Take
There has been a setback. There was a little lack of progress on my part today, since there was a malfunction regarding a certain...
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Filip Zachrisson Hansen
9 dec. 20191 min läsning
Never Gonna Give You Up
The end of the week (in terms of work) is upon us once more. The focus for me was to tweak the different values based on the new levels....
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Filip Zachrisson Hansen
9 dec. 20191 min läsning
Dancing in the Dark
Hi there! I'm back in my element this day and while it has been more of the same, I can't complain. I've updated the blockout of the...
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Filip Zachrisson Hansen
6 dec. 20191 min läsning
Call Me
Holy guacamole! Today I and my dear classmates went to Uppsala to visit Machinegames, the creators of somewhat violent nazi-killing...
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Filip Zachrisson Hansen
6 dec. 20191 min läsning
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Not every day is a dance on a flowery field. We had a discussion as a group today regarding the depth of field as well as the environment...
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Filip Zachrisson Hansen
4 dec. 20191 min läsning
Don't Worry Be Happy
Alpha came and alpha went and I must say... It went really well! There were some questions from the teachers regarding how we will...
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Filip Zachrisson Hansen
4 dec. 20191 min läsning
Livin' on a Prayer
Only one day's work left before we will show the alpha version of our game! Honestly, I feel pretty hyped about it, since we have a solid...
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Filip Zachrisson Hansen
28 nov. 20191 min läsning
Don't Stop Believin'
We have a game! We have character movement (well, the basic version of it), environment art (not implemented) and a game loop (that needs...
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